Our mission

We develop innovative bispecific antibody therapies, specifically targeting unmet needs in solid tumors.

Our bispecific antibodies are designed with broad therapeutic windows, sparing healthy tissue while eradicating tumors.

Our team

Seasoned entrepreneurs, exceptional scientists, and advisors with deep expertise

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Shelley Force Aldred, PhD

Chief Executive Officer | Co-Founder

Previously Stanford, Switchgear, Teneobio

Shelley Force Aldred, Ph.D., is a co-founder, investor, and CEO of Rondo Therapeutics. Prior to starting Rondo, Shelley was a member of Teneobio’s founding team where she led preclinical development for the company’s CD3 T-cell engager platform which ultimately generated $1.5B in up-front payments through partnerships and an acquisition by Amgen.  Early in her career, Shelley developed a passion for starting companies when she co-founded SwitchGear Genomics and later sold it to Active Motif. Shelley earned a Ph.D. in Genetics from Stanford where she continues to be involved as an advisor for Stanford’s SPARK translational medicine program and as a member of the Board of Governors for the Stanford Medicine Alumni Association.

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Nathan Trinklein, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer | Co-Founder

Previously Stanford, Switchgear, Teneobio

Nathan is a co-founder, investor, and board member of Rondo Therapeutics and currently serves as President and CSO. Prior to starting Rondo, Nathan was Chief Technology Officer at Teneobio where he played a key role in starting the company and led the team that was responsible for lead discovery, lead optimization, and development of the T-cell engager platform that was acquired in 2021. Prior to Teneobio, Nathan was a co-founder and CEO of SwitchGear Genomics, venture-backed functional genomics platform company that was acquired in 2013. Earlier in his career, Nathan served as the Technical Director of the Stanford ENCODE project and received his Ph.D from Stanford University. Nathan also serves on the Board of Governors for the Stanford Medicine Alumni Association. Nathan has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers and is an inventor on over 15 patents.

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Katherine Harris, PhD

Chief Development Officer

Previously VP Amgen, Teneobio

Katherine is Chief Development Officer at Rondo Therapeutics and brings over a decade of experience advancing antibody-based therapeutics to the clinic. Previously, she was the Vice President of Discovery at Amgen and Teneobio, where she led successful Oncology Research teams, advancing clinical candidates that resulted in 4 IND approvals in less than 6 years. She joined Teneobio when the company started lab operations in 2015, playing a key role in both building and managing a high-throughput antibody discovery platform. Prior to her work at Teneobio, she was a research scientist at Active Motif and SwitchGear Genomics where she focused her efforts on developing a functional genomics platform for small molecule screening. Katherine also serves on the Board of Directors for The Antibody Society. Katherine holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. She has presented in numerous national and international conferences, has multiple peer-reviewed publications and is an inventor on more than 15 patents.

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Meghana Rao, PhD

VP of Business Development

Previously J&J Innovation

Meghana is VP of business development, leading outreach and partnering efforts for Rondo Therapeutics. She is an experienced business development professional, with a science-centric approach to transact biopharma partnerships. Meghana joined Rondo from Johnson & Johnson Innovation, where she served as Director of Early Innovation Partnering for Oncology. There she led end-to-end deal flow, including sourcing, due diligence, and negotiating research collaboration and licensing deals in immuno-oncology and hematology. Prior to Johnson & Johnson, Meghana was a management consultant for Syneos Health, building strategic plans for Medical Affairs oncology teams at mid and large pharma. Meghana holds a PhD from Vanderbilt University in Cancer Biology.

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Starlynn Clarke, PhD

Director of Pre-clinical Biology

Previously Frontier Med, Caribou, Teneobio

Starlynn leads the pre-clinical biology group at Rondo Therapeutics, an IO-focused biopharmaceutical company developing innovative bispecific therapeutic antibodies for treating solid tumors. She has worked in discovery and preclinical development in the fields of oncology and immunology at several biotechnology start-up companies, including Frontier Medicines and Caribou Biosciences. As a founding member of the pre-clinical biology team at Teneobio, a highly successful multi-specific therapeutic antibody company, she contributed to several bispecific antibody programs currently in clinical trials. Starlynn completed her PhD in the lab of Charles Craik at UCSF, where she studied novel viral and fungal host-pathogen interactions.

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Udaya Rangaswamy, PhD

Director of Translational Biology

Previously Medimmune, Amgen, Teneobio

Udaya is Director of translational biology at Rondo Therapeutics. Prior to Rondo, Udaya was a Principal Scientist at Amgen following Amgen’s acquisition of Teneobio in 2021. At both Amgen and Teneobio, Udaya has played a key role in multiple heme-oncology programs taking T cell engager molecules from lead optimization through first-in-human studies, including three programs that are in active clinical trials. Prior to Teneobio, Udaya was a post-doc at MedImmune/Astrazeneca working on mechanisms of oncolytic virotherapy. Udaya received her PhD in microbiology and molecular genetics from Emory University and identified novel signaling pathways driving the pathogenesis of an oncogenic viral protein. 

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Mathias Rickert, PhD

Director of Protein Biochemistry

Previously Rinat/Pfizer, Delinia, Therini

Mathias is Director of Protein Biochemistry at Rondo Therapeutics and brings over fifteen years of industry experience in the biopharmaceutical sector across protein expression, purification, analytics, protein crystallography, and protein design. At Rondo, Mathias helps establish novel protein biochemistry capabilities to support preclinical drug and CMC development. Prior to joining Rondo Therapeutics, Mathias was head of protein science at Therini Bio and Applied Molecular Transport (AMT). At AMT he established protein production in mammalian cell culture and supported drug discovery and formulation for oral protein drug delivery applications. In 2016 Mathias joined Delinia, Inc. as second employee, a biotech start-up, co-founded by Jeff Greve and Mike Rosenblum at UCSF. At Delinia he established protein production and analytics to bring its lead candidate through preclinical development and CMC before Celgene acquired Delinia, Inc. in 2017. Mathias earned his PhD in Immunology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and did his postdoctoral training under Prof. Christopher K. Garcia at Stanford University.

Board of directors

Nina Kjellson

Jennifer Cochran

Asish Xavier

Mike Ross

Natalie Sacks

Shelley Force Aldred

Nathan Trinklein

Steven James

Scientific Advisory board

Carolyn Bertozzi, PhD

Professor, chEM-H Stanford

Leonard Presta, PhD

Former Lead Engineer Merck, Genentech

Gavin Thurston, PhD

Former SVP Pre-Clin Dev Regeneron

Alice O. Kamphorst, PhD

Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Pamela S Ohashi, PhD, FRS

Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

clinical Advisory board

Arturo Molina, MD

CMO Protagonist Therapeutics

James Ford, MD

Professor of Oncology/Genetics Stanford

Alessandra Cesano, MD


Julie Hambleton, MD

Former CMO Ideaya, Five Prime

Sumit K. Subudhi, MD, PhD

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Kathleen N. Moore, MD, MS

Stephenson Cancer Center

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.

Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance.

The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.